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Our motto: We shall either find a way or make one

Why we exist

We believe that the few people crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones that actually do. Our purpose is to find them and help them succeed.

Our mission

Our mission is to help you realize that anything is possible and to be the brilliant, fanatical companions you need in your terrifying quest to bring a new product or service into the world.

We believe that a 100% Performance comes from:

40% Courage

Our belief of what is possible to do

30% Learning

Our skill in the craft

20% Openness

The tightness of our team

10% Curiosity

Our curiosity to explore unusual questions and ideas

Our Values


We fully believe we are responsible for our circumstances and that we can influence outcomes to create the changes they want. We actively work on our beliefs about what is possible for us.

“We shall either find a way or make one”


We are curious and view work as a craft to grow and improve where skill level has a direct multiplying effect on output and productivity.

“Don’t do what makes you happy do what makes you excited.”


We believe that speed and amazing work comes from autonomy created by trust and alignment of goals & rewards, not rules, micro-management, processes & hierarchy.

“It’s not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent. It’s the most adaptive to change.”


We believe the best opportunities and ideas are opposite to conventional wisdom but correct due to hidden characteristics. We search for hidden truths in key areas and resist being told what to think.

“The winner is the one who turns over the most stones”

“Don’t just play the game, beat the game; If you can't win, change the rules. If you can't change the rules, ignore them.”

What do we want?

We desire to do better, create better, and explore better. Not out of competition but out of a desire to expand our own potential, because when we make great things, it benefits everyone.

What are we like?

We are 60% explorers and 40% outlaws. We are rebels with a conscience. We are drawn to chaos but not for its own sake, but we pursue improvement and change regardless of traditional systems or pathways. You will find us searching for new opportunities wherever horizons can be found. The first thing people notice about us is our earnest conviction that things can and will be better. Our ambition and curiosity keep us light on our feet and flexible to change. While our ambition keeps us moving forward, we are grounded by deep values of humility, resilience, honesty, and hard work.

People tend to come away inspired after meeting us - as if they caught a glimpse of a better future. They feel a little braver, more curious and hopeful about possibilities than before.

Who are our customers

Our customers are ordinary rebels and dreamers who discovered something about the world that needed to change and decided to do something about it. We will believe in their vision and be the brilliant, fanatical companions the need to succeed in their businÏess adventure.

  • They are setting off on an adventure, an undertaking that is both exciting and terrifying at the same time.
  • Their biggest obstacle is their own struggle with self-doubt and belief about what is possible for them.
  • They are not in business to make a living but to make their life worth living. They are here to do what needs to be done, to serve, make an impact, and leave a legacy.
  • They are leaders in the community and in their organizations. They have often been in their field for several decades and have a deep understanding of how to improve things.
  • All they lack is the product development side of things, they understand who their customers are, know many of them already, have a vision for the product or service that needs to be developed but don't know how to fully realize it.

I want to eventually implement...

A huge brain dump of things that I want to do

🔥 Alignment & Motivation

  • Profit-sharing on projects
  • Priority to anything that gives an employee more control of their career outcomes.
  • We give anyone a chance and a clear path to grow.
  • Focus recruitment and development around evaluating values and skill, not experience or reputation.
  • No office hours, just outcomes
  • Random seating arrangements that change periodically
  • Meeting activities that force participation (i.e. 6 hats)
  • Radical transparency in everything
  • All pay is performance-based, peer evaluated and transparent
  • Management by outcomes NOT output
  • A partnership of semi-independent teams not a chain of command and control

🍕 Organisation Structure

  • Small empowered self-contained teams of 3-5
  • Direct communication between customers and engineers responsible for their projects
  • Teams must be cross-functional, own a particular “product” and contain members from all levels of career development
  • No managers or product managers, just team leaders
  • Each team has a clear connection to the bottom line
  • Each team has one key outcome that they are responsible for.
  • Low costs of failure due to small teams with research, analysis and promotional skills.
  • Invest in platforms and tools that speed up teams' value attempts.
  • Celebrate attempts and make value discovery experiments fun in themselves
  • Proper introductions and an onboarding buddy
  • Each employee must have a teacher and a student
  • Autonomy in decision making, teams only report on their outcomes NOT output

📈 Personal Development

  • Believability weighted decision making and peer evaluation
  • Time set aside for purely experimental projects
  • Frequent hackathons and opportunities for people to show off their skills
  • Whenever underperformance happens, the focus should be on learning causes and effects not blaming or shaming people, same goes with praise, must be factual.
  • Name wall
  • Lots of 1 on 1s and asking what they would fix if they were in charge
  • Strong creative attractor. The world needs what we are making. We believe it can be done. We have an opportunity to do it. Shared anticipation of a better future if we succeed
  • We must have a clear sense of purpose, vision and mission
  • Invest in team member growth by having opportunities for advancement
  • Grant autonomy and delegate authority as much as possible, give plenty of opportunities to "step up" and provide the support necessary to succeed.

In other words...

Small empowered teams that are passionately pursuing meaningful innovations that have the potential to transform our community, company, and lives into some epic, next-level thing.

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Zeltta Limited © 2025
Hamilton New Zealand
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